Opus 23 (1995)

2m + P, 22 stops. The University of Hull - Chapel Organ. Consultant: Prof. Gerald Gifford, who has recorded the organ on CD performing music of CPE Bach. Annual master-classes and recitals given by prominent recitalists such as Peter Hurford, Dame Gillian Weir, and Stephen Cleobury.

Opus 23 - Image 1

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Great Organ: Principal                 8' 75% tin, in facade
Chimney Flute        8' 12% tin, hammered metal
Octave                   4' 25% tin
Open Flute             4' 12% tin, hammered metal
Nazard            2 2/3' 12% tin, hammered metal
Recorder                2' 12% tin, hammered metal
Tierce               1 3/5' 12% tin, hammered metal
Mixture                 III 25% tin
Trumpet                 8' 12% tin, hammered metal
2 Tremulants
Positive/Swell Organ: Stopped Diapason 8' Oak
Viola                      8' 52% tin, from tenor C
Principal                4' 70% tin, in facade
Nason Flute          4' Oak and lime
Octave                  2' 25% tin
Larigot            1 1/3' 25% tin
Hautboy                8' 60% tin
2 Tremulants
Pedal Organ: Subbass              16' Oak and Pine
Octave                   8' 70% tin
Flute                      8' Oak and Pine
Super Octave        4' 25% tin
Bassoon              16' 60% tin

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