Opus 07 (1986)

2m + P, 11 stops. St Vincent's RC Church, Altrincham. First Lammermuir Pipe Organ instrument with full 8' Principal Facade. First Lammermuir Pipe Organ used in live BBC radio broadcast, Christmas 1986. Consultants: Dr John Rowntree (Newbury) and Terry Duffy (Liverpool).

Opus 07 - Image 2
Opus 07 - Image 1

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Great Organ: Principal          8' 70% tin, in facade
Chimney Flute 8' 20% tin
Octave            4' 25% tin
Octave            2' 25% tin
Mixture          III 25% tin
Trompete        8' 70% tin
Echo Organ: Wooden Flute 8' Oak
Clear Flute      4' Oak
Nazard     2 2/3' 25% tin, from tenor g
Principal          2' 25% tin
Pedal Organ: Subbass       16' Pine

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