Opus 51 (2006)

2m + P, 17 stops. Fairmilehead Parish Church, Edinburgh.

Opus 51 - Image 2
Opus 51 - Image 3
Opus 51 - Image 4
Opus 51 - Image 5
Opus 51 - Image 6
Opus 51 - Image 7
Opus 51 - Image 8
Opus 51 - Image 9
Opus 51 - Image 1

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Great Organ: Principal              8' 75% tin, in facade
Chimney Flute     8' 25% tin, lowest octave oak
Principal Celeste 8' from facade
Gamba                8' 60% tin, from tenor C, bass common with Chimney Flute
Octave                4' 25% tin
Spill Flute            4' 25% tin
Gemshorn           2' 25% tin
Sesquialtera       II 25% tin
Mixture              III 25% tin
Trompete            8' 70% tin
Echo Organ: Gedackt              8' Oak and walnut
Clear Flute          4' Oak and walnut
Principal              2' 25% tin
Quinte          1 1/3' 25% tin
Crumhorn           8' 25% tin
Pedal Organ: Subbass           16' Oak and pine
Bass Flute          8' Oak and pine

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