Opus 16 (1992)

2m + P, 24 stops. St Peter's Parish Church, Petersfield, Hampshire. First Lammermuir Pipe Organ in an Anglican parish church. Designed as an accompanimental instrument for the Anglican choral liturgy: hence the full Swell organ, combination pistons and third coupler keyboard (Swell and Great combined) to allow maximum flexibility. This organ has been recorded on CD. Consultant: Philip Drew (Portsmouth).

Opus 16 - Image 1

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Great Organ: Open Diapason      8' 70% tin, in facade
Chimney Flute        8' 25% tin
Principal                 4' 25% tin
Spill Flute               4' prepared
Nazard             2 2/3' 25% tin, from tenor g
Gemshorn              2' 25% tin
Tierce               1 3/5' 25% tin, from tenor g
Larigot             1 1/3' prepared
Mixture             III-IV 25% tin
Trompete               8' 70% tin
Swell Organ: Stopped Diapason 8' Oak
Salicional                8' 52% tin, from tenor C
Principal                 4' 25% tin
Flute                      4' Oak
Scharff               II-III 25% tin
Fifteenth                2' 25% tin
Crumhorn             16' 60% tin
Trumpet                 8' 60% tin
Pedal Organ: Subbass               16' Pine
Octave                   8' 70% tin, in facade
Flute                      8' Pine
Octave                   4' prepared
Mixture                  III prepared
Curtall                  16' Pine

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