Opus 12 (1990)

2m + P, 24 stops. St Mary's Collegiate Church, Haddington, East Lothian. Delivery was deferred because the design concept was considerably enlarged from 17 to 24 stops to include pedal towers with 16' Facade Principal pipes of 70% tin. This instrument is extensively used for concerts and recitals, notably in the Lamp of Lothian concert series. Consultant: Prof. Peter Williams. A recording of organ music played by Dr John Kitchen (Edinburgh University) has been made on cassette and is available from Lammermuir Pipe Organs.

Opus 12 - Image 2
Opus 12 - Image 3
Opus 12 - Image 4
Opus 12 - Image 1

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Great Organ: Principal          8' 75% tin, in facade
Chimney Flute 8' 15% tin, hammered metal
Octave            4' 25% tin
Spill Flute        4' 15% tin, hammered metal
Quinte      2 2/3' 25% tin
Octave            2' 25% tin
Mixture            V 25% tin
Cornet           III 12% tin, hammered metal, from middle C
Trompete        8' 70% tin
Chair Organ: Gedackt          8' Oak
Principal          4' 75% tin, in facade
Clear Flute      4' Oak
Nazard      2 2/3' 25% tin, from tenor g
Gemshorn       2' 25% tin
Tierce        1 3/5' 25% tin, from tenor g
Larigot      1 1/3' 25% tin
Scharff           III 25% tin
Crumhorn        8' 60% tin
Pedal Organ: Principal        16' 75% tin, in facade
Subbass        16' Pine
Octave            8' 25% tin
Mixture           IV 25% tin
Fagot            16' Pine
Trompete        8' 70% tin
Usual couplers

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